2010年3月18日 星期四

第一屆NCCU& Me「政大與我」英文創作比賽作品集出版 /The collection of the first “NCCU & Me”English Creative Writing Contest has been published

很高興見到外文中心第一屆NCCU& Me「政大與我」英文創作比賽作品集出版,本中心已將本作品集放置圖書館(中正、商館、綜合)、藝文中心和外中心辦公室等處,歡迎全校同仁、同學取閱。


I’m glad to announce the collection of the first “NCCU & Me”English Creative Writing Contest has been published and placed in several spots, like libraries, Foreign Langauge Center, and Art and Culture Center for all the students to access.

Foreign Language Center

